Concealed Weapons & Dress Code Video

Chris Dorn’s Amazing Concealed Weapons Demonstration (1998)


In just over 60 seconds Chris Dorn reveals why a dress code and visual screening techniques for schools can be important.  This Concealed Weapons demonstration was videotaped when Chris was still in high school. This clip was originally part of a free video titled “Safe Schools” that was produced and distributed at no cost by Garrett Metal Detectors. Garrett sent a copy of this video to any school or organization that requested a copy. This clip is currently part of our training DVD Secrets of the Weapons Violator Exposed.

This Concealed Weapons Demonstration clip has been widely distributed by school staff and first responders around the country. It was also used without Chris’ permission in Michael Moore’s movie “Bowling for Columbine”. Since the clip has already received so much exposure and spread we provide this clip as a downloadable resource for use in presentations and training sessions. This clip may be used as long as it is not altered in any way and proper copyright and credit is given.

Download the video file at this link (in Quicktime format):

Chris Dorn’s Amazing Concealed Weapons Demonstration (21MB, .mov file; Right click to download)