Our school security experts work to answer requests for free technical assistance, media inquiries, and general school safety and school security questions. We felt that it might help to list some of our free school security resources. Our team of school security experts has worked diligently to develop hundreds of free school security resources.
We should also point out that you can find links to many free school security resources from a variety of government agencies and from other non-profits on our website. For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has a range of free online training resources as well as free live training.
As a non-profit school safety center, Safe Havens International focuses on providing a wide array of free school security resources as well as high quality learning resources and evaluation instruments. For example, school and public safety officials across the nation are now using our evaluation and staff development assessment sets to more accurately measure school security and emergency preparedness and then providing locally tailored corrective staff development. This blog will provide links to a few of our many free school security resources:
-The free topical paper titled “Flight, Fight or Lockdown” summarizes our 18-month research project on the potential benefits and dangers of teaching students and staff to try to fight an active shooter.
-A free one minute video explains why the speed of decision-making and communication is so critical in school crisis situations.
-We offer a free video that explores the potential for mass casualty loss of life with the lockout/lockdown approach to lockdowns.
-We made a free video featuring Lt. Col. Dave Grossman explaining what mental simulation is and why it is so important for school security.
-We have a free e-book on school security “Let None Learn in Fear.”
These are just a few of the hundreds of free and low-cost resources relating to school security, school security assessments and school crisis planning available on our website.
Thank you for your time and interest in making school a safer place to learn and to teach.