Jane’s is without question the most detail oriented publisher I have ever worked with. When they selected me to head up their school safety consulting projects, my manager told me bluntly that if I was ever publically wrong – once – I would be fired. He explained that the company aggressively protects its stellar reputation for absolute accuracy. This helps to explain how a major publisher can still sell books that cost as much as $2,500 each. It also puts immense pressure on authors for Jane’s to be very accurate. The extensive peer review and editing process used by Jane’s also creates increased accuracy and reliability.
Jane’s is also known for a series of compact books such as the Jane’s Crisis Communications Handbook. This book is a pocket-sized guide to help public information officers, public safety officials and others who must interact with the media under crisis conditions. Like other Jane’s books I have read, I found this book to be carefully written and helpful in my work in the school safety field.