I had the pleasure to present again at the Indiana School Safety Specialists Academy again this week. I have presented for the academy more than two dozen times over the past decade and have always been impressed with how the academy is managed, the variety of topics presented and the diversity of attendees. Educators, law enforcement officers, school nurses, building administrators, security directors, risk managers, facilities personnel and a surprising number of school superintendents participate in the program.
The academy offers a number of free training sessions and free resources to school organization and community partner agencies.
Program Coordinator Dave Woodward told me that this session set a new attendance record of more than 300 people. To continue to set new attendance records so long after the program was founded is just one example of how effective and well respected the program is. Out of state guests from a dozen states also indicates how solid this program is.
The citizens of Indiana should be proud and more importantly, thankful to have such an exemplary program to enhance school safety.