In Self Defense – Should You Carry A Gun – Safe Havens International Releases a Powerful New Video

As more than 75 million people now keep or carry a gun for self-defense in the United States, we felt that an important chapter in our new book Staying Alive – How to Act Fast and Survive Deadly Encounters should focus on important considerations for people who are considering such an important life choice.  This is especially true since some states have now made it possible for school employees with concealed carry permits to carry firearms on school property.

Our purpose for this chapter is not to engage in the gun control debate.  Instead, the premise of the chapter is that regardless of how any of us feel about the issue individually, the fact is that Gallup polls show that nearly one out of every four adults in the United States keeps a gun for self-defense or carries a gun to protect themselves and others.  With this reality in mind, we feel that it is critical that people who are thinking about keeping or carrying a gun for self-defense consider some extremely important points.  The award winning Safe Havens International video crew has produced a dozen new free training videos in the Staying Alive – How to Act Fast and Survive Deadly Encounters series.  They have produced two videos of different lengths that examine considerations for carrying a gun.  The latest video went live this morning and is titled In Self Defense – Should You Carry a Gun?   

In Self-Defense – Should You Carry a Gun? is a powerful and concise three and a half minute video to introduce people to the chapter in Staying  Alive – How to Act Fast and Survive Deadly Encounters relating to this important topic.   We want to see this and the other videos from the series in wide circulation and appreciate the efforts of readers to share the link to this amazing video.



Staying Alive – How to Act Fast and Survive Deadly Encounters is already out on Amazon where it is also available for Kindle.

About Michael Dorn

Michael Dorn serves as the Executive Director of Safe Havens International, a non-profit school safety center. The author of 27 books on school safety, Michael’s campus safety work has taken him to 11 countries over the past 34 years.