Mike Dorn presents a webinar.
I had the opportunity to present a webinar for my editor at School Planning and Management Magazine this week. The one-hour presentation titled How Much Fidelity Does Your School Safety Approach Have? is available at no cost until October 11 on the School Planning and Management website: https://webspm.com/Home.aspx
I have enjoyed the opportunity to write a column on school security for School Planning and Management for more than eighteen years now and have had the pleasure of keynoting conferences and presenting webinars for the magazine as well. The magazine has had a regular focus on school safety issues with a wide array of topical areas and authors over the years. I have been blessed to work with Jerry Enderle for most of the eighteen years. Though I can honestly state that I have never had a bad editor with any of the magazines and book publishers I have written for, Jerry is one of the most pleasant people I have ever worked with. I greatly appreciated the chance to work with Jerry again and the time so many participants took to learn more about this important and timely topic.