School Planning and Management just released the digital edition for this month with a cover story by Steve Satterly on recovery planning for school crisis events. Looking beyond lockdowns and fire drills, Steve provides an excellent primer on school disaster recovery planning.
The article After the Storm – Recovery Planning for Disasters at Schools makes some excellent points and is a must read for folks who are interested in the topic of business continuity planning for schools. Steve is an excellent writer, an experienced school safety practitioner and a deeply caring school safety advocate.
The article uses examples from school tornado strikes and includes photographs Steve took after a storm in Henryville Indiana earlier this year. School and emergency management officials in the community agreed that Steve could tour the site to see firsthand the devastation of this incident. Steve is a top expert on school tornado preparedness and has worked hard to help others create safer schools. Steve has written some superb articles on the topic of school safety.
Congratulations on making the cover of this excellent magazine Steve!