A school safety director just forwarded me a link to an article about the mental health recovery team in the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was most impressed with what he read.
We have had the good fortune to work with the folks who operate this team as well as the Student Threat and Evaluation Team several times over the past decade or so. I must say that the district operates what I feel are hands down the best two teams of this type that we have encountered anywhere in the nation or for that matter, anywhere in the world.
The work this group of outstanding people has done over the years is truly remarkable. They have developed a number of cutting edge concepts, incorporated best practices from other schools and districts across the country to augment what they have in place and have worked tirelessly to improve on the school safety measures that they have in place. The student threat evaluation and assessment processes they have developed to help address the threat of an active shooter as well as more common types of weapons incidents and student suicide risk is most impressive. Their use of GIS mapping to identify “hot spots” in schools is also an awesome effort that has yielded tremendous results. They have also developed a truly world class drill evaluation instrument that they use to spot-check how effectively drills are conducted in the district.
To say that our analysts have been deeply impressed with their efforts would be an understatement. Bill Miller, Rosemary Virtuoso, Dr. Paul Webb, Roy Anderson and the rest of their dedicated team have continually impressed us with their attention to detail and their attitude of never accepting the status quo when it comes to student safety and school crisis preparedness.