New Free School Safety Expert Video – Why is Terminology Important for School Crisis Planning?

This latest edition to the Ask Safe Havens series of free school safety videos explores why it can be important for school organizations to use common terminology to prevent problems during a crisis event.  The video also examines why it is not necessary for schools across the nation to use standardized language which can in fact, be problematic in some situations.

Chris and his award-winning video crew have done a great job on this series and we are grateful for their work.

We hope school safety practitioners will find this video to be a helpful resource. 

We also welcome reader feedback, especially suggestions for future topics in the Ask Safe Havens series.

"Fire on The Mountain – The True Story of the South Canyon Fire" an Instructive Read for School Crisis Preparedness

I just finished reading Fire on the Mountain – The True Story of the South Canyon Fire by John N. Maclean.  The book was mentioned by Dr. Michael Roberto in a Teaching Company course on decision making that I listened to a while back.  The book outlines a variety of decision making and other strategic mistakes that led to the deaths of a group of  smoke jumpers who were fighting the South Canyon fire at Storm King Mountain in 1994.

I found the book to be helpful in understanding how people can make decisions in life and death situations, especially those that start out moving relatively slowly but then rapidly change as the crisis unfolds.  This book may be helpful to those who work in the area of school emergency preparedness.

Why is terminology important for school crisis planning?

Terminology in Planning (Ask Safe Havens) from Safe Havens International on Vimeo.