School Emergency Preparedness Training
construct a locally tailored all hazards crisis plan based on the hazard and vulnerability assessment process.
Instruction includes development of functional protocols, development of incident specific protocols, incorporation of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) into the written preparedness and response plans, how to develop role specific emergency plan components for key categories of staff such as administrators, teachers, custodial staff, food service personnel, school bus drivers and how to develop plans for after hours events.
Detailed information on off-site family reunification planning, bomb threat planning, and crisis communications planning will be included. The training includes a section on the planning, coordination and evaluation of drills, tabletop exercises, functional exercises and an introduction to the appropriate use of full-scale exercises in a progressive exercise program tied to specific goals and objectives.
Intended audiences:
- School administrators
- Local law enforcement
- Fire service workers
- Emergency management and homeland security personnel
- Public safety personnel involved with school safety
- School board members and elected officials
- Parents
- Student assemblies