School organizations can face challenges evaluating the quality of school safety consultants and firms. As schools and school districts can and have been successfully litigated for failure to conduct due diligence when selecting consultants, it is important to take the time to properly vet firms to see if they have the credentials and experience to not only hold up as experts in a court of law but more importantly to deliver high quality and effective services to help make schools safer and more productive learning environments.
Formed in 2000, Safe Havens International (Safe Havens) is the world’s largest and leading non-profit school safety center. With 8 full-time and 12 part time and adjunct personnel along with additional volunteers and interns, we have a staffing and experience level that allows us to perform work of high quality and considerable depth. We have K-12 experience that is unmatched in the private sector. The work experience of our full-time analysts in Mexico, the U.K, Canada, Israel, South Africa, Vietnam, Bolivia, the Congo, Honduras and in almost every state in the nation will provide a perspective unlike that of any for-profit firm, particularly firms who do not specialize in work with K-12 schools. Over the past three years, Safe Havens has served as a crisis management advisor for more than eighty clients representing more than one hundred different school districts and systems, including independent, private and charter schools.
Safe Havens offers a level of expertise, real-world work experience and credentials of analysts that is unparalleled in the private sector. Our analysts have worked in more countries, written more articles and books, authored more web courses and filmed, edited and produced more school safety training videos than all of the consultants currently working for any ten other firms in the world combined.
Our experienced analysts have unparalleled experience and expertise in the field of school safety consulting. Our experience working in 46 states and two dozen countries and in authoring 27 topically related books along with our work with thousands of public, private, charter, parochial and independent schools affords our clients an unmatched depth of expertise in school safety, security, climate, culture and emergency preparedness.